About Aretta
About Aretta
My Platform
The Work
District 2
Become a volunteer
Who's volunteering
Gwendolynne Moore
Katie Howard
Antionette Waits
Demetrius Myatt
Jacqueline Miller
Clayton Driver
Kyndal Benn
Vernetta Nuriddin
Aretta Baldon
ReafDuase ReafDuase
Phil Pitchford
Felicia Gibson
Julie Johnson
Trent Merideth
Michelle Frazier
Will you volunteer?
Optional email code
I will host an event
I will be a social media ambassador
I will help reach out to my network
First Name
Last Name
Mobile phone (optional)
Send me email updates
Send me text messages
When is a good time to call?
Address (Street, City, State, Postal code)
When are you available? (optional)
Comments, other ideas, etc. (optional)
Don't publish this on the website
Like this to encourage your friends to volunteer.
Showing 53 reactions
Gwendolynne Moore
wants to volunteer
2021-11-20 20:47:15 -0500
Katie Howard
wants to volunteer
2021-11-08 18:09:41 -0500
Katie Howard
signed up for
volunteer - outreach
2021-11-08 18:09:41 -0500
Antionette Waits
wants to volunteer
2021-10-22 10:50:27 -0400
Antionette Waits
signed up for
volunteer - outreach
2021-10-22 10:50:27 -0400
Demetrius Myatt
wants to volunteer
2021-10-08 18:48:14 -0400
Demetrius Myatt
signed up for
volunteer - outreach
2021-10-08 18:48:14 -0400
Jacqueline Miller
wants to volunteer
2021-10-02 20:04:54 -0400
Jacqueline Miller
signed up for
volunteer - outreach
2021-10-02 20:04:54 -0400
Jacqueline Miller
signed up for
volunteer - social ambassador
2021-10-02 20:04:54 -0400
Clayton Driver
wants to volunteer
2021-09-20 14:26:15 -0400
Clayton Driver
signed up for
volunteer - social ambassador
2021-09-20 14:26:15 -0400
Kyndal Benn
wants to volunteer
2021-09-14 11:07:20 -0400
Kyndal Benn
signed up for
volunteer - outreach
2021-09-14 11:07:20 -0400
Kyndal Benn
signed up for
volunteer - social ambassador
2021-09-14 11:07:19 -0400
Vernetta Nuriddin
wants to volunteer
2021-09-11 11:06:23 -0400
Vernetta Nuriddin
volunteer - outreach
2021-09-11 11:06:23 -0400
Vernetta Nuriddin
volunteer - social ambassador
2021-09-11 11:06:23 -0400
Aretta Baldon
wants to volunteer
2021-09-10 16:16:17 -0400
Aretta Baldon
signed up for
volunteer - outreach
2021-09-10 16:16:17 -0400
Aretta Baldon
signed up for
volunteer - social ambassador
2021-09-10 16:16:17 -0400
Aretta Baldon
signed up for
volunteer - event host
2021-09-10 16:16:17 -0400
ReafDuase ReafDuase
wants to volunteer
2021-07-30 15:33:16 -0400
Phil Pitchford
wants to volunteer
2019-09-18 10:29:38 -0400
Phil Pitchford
signed up for
volunteer - outreach
2019-09-18 10:29:38 -0400
Felicia Gibson
wants to volunteer
2019-08-27 07:54:16 -0400
Felicia Gibson
signed up for
volunteer - outreach
2019-08-27 07:54:16 -0400
Julie Johnson
wants to volunteer
2019-08-25 17:05:51 -0400
Trent Merideth
wants to volunteer
2019-08-25 15:50:16 -0400
Michelle Frazier
wants to volunteer
2019-08-25 15:45:47 -0400
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Showing 53 reactions